Food poisoning, tips to avoid it

Intossicazione alimentareFood poisoning in most cases it is not a serious thing, because it is mostly due to spoiled foods, the symptoms are those that we know well, stomachache, diarrhea and vomiting, let us see some tips to avoid it.

The main cause of food poisoning is the recruitment of spoiled food or poorly preserved, the classic example is the food in the fridge for too many days, expired food, the food left in the refrigerator when it went off the light and the refrigerator not working well.

A quick way to recognize the food poisoning is to see if people who ate the same food you feel bad or otherwise if there is something that only you have eaten. Poisoning staphylococci is due to foods stored at room temperature, in this case you feel ill about two hours after eating with vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and sometimes fever.
Serious and often deadly botulinum toxin poisoning, which develops with food stored at room temperature, or with olive oil and canned meats, in these cases we must now go to the doctor. Induce vomiting without them nothing can help but in any case you must go immediately to the emergency room.
Foods that commonly cause botulism poisoning are:

  1. spoiled meat
  2. poorly preserved canned foods
  3. seafood harvested in unclean water
 It 'a good idea to throw away canned foods that appear swollen when they are opened or emit a puff of gas, the seafood harvested near the ports where the water is obviously dirty, usually those packaged and frozen foods are subjected to Hard controls are therefore safe.
The symptoms of food are:
  1. bellyache
  2. stomach ache
  3. diarrhea
  4. vomiting
  5. impaired respiration
  6. strong salivation
  7. intense sweating
  8. dizziness


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