Recurrent miscarriages can sometimes cause trauma itself for pregnant women. But now women who have experienced miscarriage should pay more attention to the condition of his heart, because he is more at risk of heart attack. Heart attack is a hazard.
A study says women who experience recurrent miscarriages have a five times greater likelihood of heart attacks in the future.
A study says women who experience recurrent miscarriages have a five times greater likelihood of heart attacks in the future.
The results of this heart attack has been published online in the journal Heart.
In this study involving more than 11,500 women aged 30-60 years who had a heart attack and compared with a history of pregnancy. So fragile heart attack on average berusian 30-60.
Got any miscarriage occurring increases heart attack risk by 40 percent, so that women have twice the risk of miscarriage 4 times more likely to experience heart attacks. This is of course after considering other risk factors such as weight gain and also smoking.
Researchers reveal a heart attack these results suggest that women who experienced spontaneous abortion are at higher risk of heart attacks later in life. But sometimes a heart attack is not recognized by the woman.
Yet some experts claim that there is no strong relationship between miscarriage with increased risks of heart attacks. This is possibly because these women already have unwitting interference with the heart or blood vessels.
The cause of miscarriage is as diverse as the existence of an abnormal chromosome in the fetus, an inherited genetic disease, maternal age who had been in over 35 years, the condition of the uterus is not normal, metabolic and hormonal disorders, autoimmune disorders and also a blood clotting disorder.
There are several things you can do to support a healthy pregnancy and prevent miscarriage back and avoid a heart attack are:
Eating a balanced and nutritious, as well as benefit from folic acid.
Stop the habit of drinking alcohol, smoking and avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke.
Doing regular exercise, especially exercise that has a low intensity such as walking.
Keeping weight to stay healthy and not excessive.
Reduce consumption of caffeine contained in various beverages and foods.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you want to eat-the-counter drugs or prescription drugs provided.
Avoid exposure to radiation or chemicals can be dangerous, especially if the work associated with radiation.
Maintain cleanliness and health of pets.
hopefully Heart Attack Risk of Miscarriage information is very useful for you.
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