Chance bofepidemie among students

Chance bofepidemie among students.
It seems that an old acquaintance soon get a grip on much of the Dutch youth. Students to be precise. According to the Health Service because they run an additional high risk to get the mumps. This is because the students live closer to each other than Dutch.

Mumps actually came in a while not really in the Netherlands. This was partly due to the vaccination for children was introduced in 1987. That vaccination should protect children against the disease, which is not only annoying but can also lead to meningitis or testicular inflammation, and deafness.

There are many students who hardly been vaccinated against mumps and it therefore seems a jab. To facilitate this, the RIVM organizing special vaccination days during the introduction week for students. The RIVM does this because since the end of last year 300 cases of mumps were reported according to the organization and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

UMC Groningen met last week all interns called to the vaccination. Furthermore, students who are not vaccinated or only one of the two required shots have had also asked to report. Thus, the probability of an epidemic will be reduced and the number of victims may be limited.


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