Family is king

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Family is king
If you really like want to be happy, then you do not deposit your work, but your family. According to British researchers makes a lot of time with the family because for a happy and healthy life.

The researchers conducted a study of more than 10,000 adults and concluded that both men and women felt happier when their loved ones that were. A nice, stable family life therefore generates a lot of luck. However, men and women have different motivators. Men continue to be driven primarily by money, while women just get more energy out of the family fortune.

Women also seem a lot to value health and the family. Men get gray hair faster finances as they are concerned about rapidly. The view of men and women seems to be some differences, but the study also looked at the base and it was evident that this is indeed right: a happy environment means more happiness.

According to Professor Anke Plagnol show their happiness because people generally depend more on the happiness of others. That link appears even stronger than previously thought. It draws its conclusion even a little further and believes that employers take this into account. Happy people are in fact happy employees and happy employees provide better results


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